
It's a Celebration!

With April beginning this weekend, it is time for a celebration of sorts, a gathering let's say of the TAP staff and significant others at a local establishment. The occasion is the last month with three of the Taptastic interns and an appreciation evening for all TAP staff.

So, in the next two weeks, what days do not work for you all? I figured Wednesday's might be bad because of the kickball league, but are there any others? I figured it would be on a weekday in the happy/dinner hour...or later if that works better for more people.

Location is TBD. It will be somewhere within a short drive from TAP I'm assuming.

So write back with conflicts, suggestions, or comments and hopefully we can find a day that works for most, if not all, people.




Mac said...

Next 2 weeks are actually really good for me, though Thursdays never work.

So I guess that leaves Monday, Tuesday or Friday eves. Yes Happy Hour time is most desirable along with a kid friendly place.

I know that El Mercado has free appetizers from 5-6:30pm-ish and cheapo drinks.... But I'm sure there are many other places.

Yeah for playing!!!

Heather D said...

Next week, Tuesday or Friday would be best for me. There's a new coffee shop on 6th and Pedernales called Hot Mama's. I know they have wine and beer and a big outdoor seating area which would be good for kids. Drinks may be slightly pricey for all of you non-pregnant people, though. I'm up for whatever.